结婚三年只有越爱越甜蜜,Ryan Reynolds 和 Blake Lively 依然是好莱坞最为人称羡的神仙眷侣


结婚三年只有越爱越甜蜜,Ryan Reynolds 和 Blake Lively 依然是好莱坞最为人称羡的神仙眷侣

已经结婚三周年的神仙眷侣Blake Lively和Ryan Reynolds可以说是好莱坞里最受人喜爱的一对夫妻之一,把对方放在心里的他们真的超令人羡慕!无论是事业、爱情还是家庭都希望他们可以一直这样顺利走下去!

已经结婚三周年的神仙眷侣Blake Lively和Ryan Reynolds可以说是好莱坞里最受人喜爱的一对夫妻之一!虽然因外型姣好两人身边总是桃花不断,当初交往时外界总怀疑这段感情能维持多久,不过自从2012年订下终生以来,他们不仅在这段时间内迎接了第一个孩子James,至今也依然爱的浓情密意。一起来回顾他们过去在萤光幕前的甜蜜时刻吧!


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Why Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively Are the Cutest Couple 1Why Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively Are the Cutest Couple 7Why Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively Are the Cutest Couple 8Why Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively Are the Cutest Couple 9Why Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively Are the Cutest Couple 27


Why Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively Are the Cutest Couple 22Why Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively Are the Cutest Couple 25

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